I just read an article in a wonderful publication called Scary Monsters: Castle of Frankenstein 2021 Annual about how Universal never brought The Bride back in any of the many Frankenstein sequels. Further, the writer pointed out that The Bride was never even mentioned in those sequels. He further lamented that since Frankenstein’s Monster was indestructible, shouldn’t The Bride be as well? I’ve idly wondered why The Bride’s tenure was so short myself, but never with the sense of humor and acumen displayed by George Humenik in his article. It got me thinking about the aborted Universal Dark Universe and what a let down it was for fans of the Universal horror films. Then, Leigh Whannell’s The Invisible Man came out to good reviews and box office, and the idea of freestanding reboots could be embraced. Any event that could lead to such a well written and produced film couldn’t be all bad.
The thing is, the film that I was most anxious to see was the sequel or reboot or remake or whatever of The Bride of Frankenstein. I’d read that Scarlett Johansson was a possible candidate for The Bride in the Dark Universe. Although I am a fan of hers, she didn’t seem like the right choice. Let me just add that being part of what was planned as the Universal Dark Universe would not have been a good thing for Mrs. Jost or anyone else. The problem now is–is there anyone interested in making a free standing Bride of Frankenstein update? I am aware that it sounds crazy to some, but it is one of those things that is just begging to be resurrected. Just take a moment and consider the possibilities while I tell you what I think would lead to a perfect creation.
I’ve given this a lot of thought (some would say too much), and I think I’ve come up with the ultimate formula for success! First, you would need all the right parts: Producer(s), Writer, Director, and of course actors. Please note that only Producers, and of course actors, are plural. The last thing a project like this needs is to be stitched together by various writers. As far as Directors go, the Duff Brothers would be an exception, but I don’t want to see the Bride stuck in the 80’s. As Producers I’m seeing Blumhouse with James Gunn co-producing, writing, and directing. So far, so good.
Now, the cast. That leads me straight to Elizabeth Banks who has worked with Gunn in the past (Slither) and is as quirky as Elsa Lanchester and as talented as well: she will bring the needed lightning to the revived Bride! For the great great great grandson or whatever of Dr. Frankenstein (plug in a Germanic first name as below),

I can think of no actor who would do the part more justice than Bruce Dern. His assistant? Steve Buscemi of course! Who else?

Now, you recall that I didn’t think Scarlett Johansson would be the right choice for the Bride, but she would be the perfect choice for the fiance of the Doctor’s son, Dr. Elmore Frankenstein. Elmore, a psychotic psychiatrist is in love with Elizabeth Von Hooten, heiress to the Von Hooten fortune and unknowing funder of the revival of The Bride project.
Scarlett Johansson as Elizabeth Von Hooten Colin Jost as Dr. Elmore Frankenstein
Okay Universal, now, it’s up to you to decide what the next updated Universal horror film should be! I’m trying to give you a jump start here; attach those electrodes and get this party started already. Myself, I’m going to see about renting a tux, because this is one, or maybe two, weddings I don’t want to miss.
Oops, looks like I was wrong again! According to IMDB, Universal is planning a film called Bride that is in pre-production and lists Scarlett Johansson in the titular part. Here’s hoping it all comes together, but honestly–just imagine what a wild ride a James Gunn written & directed Bride of Frankenstein would be!
NEXT: A Fish Tale!